Traffic Counts and Analysis
Century coordinated traffic counts at 17 intersections along the US 13 and SR 10 corridors, where roadways experience high traffic volumes and higher than average crash rates. Using counts for vehicles, heavy vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians, plus future traffic projects provided by DelDOT, Century modeled the roadways within the study area to determine problem areas and solutions to the congestion along the roadways.
Public Outreach and Coordination
Century met with the Metropolitan Planning Organization and the three local municipalities and their residents to hear their concerns – safety, congestion, transit and multimodal – to better develop project scopes.
Environmental, Cultural, and Historic Resources Documentation
Century completed desktop reviews as well as field delineations to determine the extent of the wetlands on the project. Desktop reviews of the existing historic standing structures, historic districts, parks, schools and cemeteries were also conducted. This information was included in the background portion of the study.
Project Facts
Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT)