
Understanding How the World Moves

As a full-service engineering firm, Century has the in-house capabilities required to handle a wide variety of transportation projects and the potential complications and challenges that come along with them. Our traffic, highway, and structural engineers; transportation and environmental planners; water and environmental resources engineers and scientists; surveyors; and information and spatial solutions professionals work with clients to complete large- and small-scale projects on time and within budget.

Featured Projects

Additional Projects

Replacement of Eagle Mill Road Bridge and Harris Mill Road Bridge

DelDOT Statewide Traffic Signal Relamping and Asset Inventory

Representative Clients

Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT)

Maryland Department of Transportation Maryland Transit Administration (MDOT MTA)

"One brief phone call with Eric set in motion what I'm calling nothing less than a rescue from oblivion of our water authority."

Russ Haerer

Treasurer, Haines Woodward Municipal Authority Board of Directors

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