Why Century


As responsible corporate citizens, Century is committed to giving back and strengthening the fabric of each community in which we live and work. As such, Century is active and philanthropically involved in all our communities in numerous efforts to help our neighbors. From board participation on dozens of regional non-profits, to annual contributions, Century is engaged.

Century Community Involvement

Check out some of the activities in which Century personnel are involved below. We hope this inspires you to get involved too!

Board Participation

American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC)
B&O Railroad Museum
Maryland Society of Surveyors
Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS)
Maryland Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO)
The Center for Watershed Protection
Historic Harrisburg Association
Delaware Association of Surveyors

Community and Charitable Involvement

ACE Mentor Program
Adopt-A-Highway Program
The Arc
Money in Your Pocket Campaign
Vehicles for Change
Rosedale Volunteer Fire Department
Habitat for Humanity
United Way
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA)
Humane Society of Harford County
York County Food Bank



"One brief phone call with Eric set in motion what I'm calling nothing less than a rescue from oblivion of our water authority."

Russ Haerer

Treasurer, Haines Woodward Municipal Authority Board of Directors

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