Century Engineering is proud to provide educational and informational webinars on a variety of technical and professional topics. Where noted, Century’s webinars and speakers adhere to the guidelines of the Registered Continuing Education Program (RCEP) for Engineers, Surveyors & A/E/C Professionals. Century Engineering is an RCEP-approved provider, number 299024.
We welcome you to view the upcoming course descriptions below and submit your registration. If you have any questions, suggestions for future topics, or need help with the registration process, feel free to reach out to us via email and we will return your message promptly!
Date: TBD
William “Bill” Rockey, PE, LEED AP®
Description coming soon!
Date: TBD, Fall, 2022
Bryan Haynie, PLS
Description coming soon!
Friday, April 29, 2022, 9:00am to 9:30 am Eastern
Robert “Bob” Bathurst, MS, PE, D.WRE, LEED AP®
Center for Watershed Protection 2022 National Stormwater and Watershed Conference
The use of best management practices for stormwater management is suggested or mandated by many local, state, and federal agencies. Looking at these regulations shows us that practices can be more efficient with the use of new technologies and systems to more accurately predict and adapt to weather events in real time. In this webinar we will explore the basics of stormwater management principles, how new technologies and systems work, the benefits of moving into the future with smart technologies, and how new ideas and systems can produce cleaner, healthier watersheds.
Thursday, May, 2022, 10:00am to 11:00am Eastern
Andrew Jakubowitch, PE, MBA, and Kerry Tyson, PE
RCEP Activity ID 175869-134491
The presentation “21st Century Solutions to Failing Septic System Infrastructure” will explore the basics of septic systems, why they fail, the differences in types of septic systems, and the benefits of updating aging or over-stressed infrastructure. As we approach these concepts, we will also present a case study on an innovative approach used at Potters Mills, Pennsylvania, which faced a 72% failure rate and no direct connection to a municipal sewer system.
September, 2021 – See Full Agenda
Robert “Bob” Bathurst, MS, PE, D.WRE, LEED AP®
This webinar is presented as part of the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS) MS4 Great Ideas Stormwater Conference. Please reach out to PSATS directly to register for this event.
Thursday, August 12, 2021, 10:00 am to 11:00 am Eastern
Robert “Bob” Bathurst, MS, PE, D.WRE, LEED AP®
RCEP Activity ID 170487-132258
The use of best management practices for stormwater management is suggested or mandated by many local, state, and federal agencies. Looking at these regulations shows us that practices can be more efficient with the use of new technologies and systems to more accurately predict and adapt to weather events in real time. In this webinar we will explore the basics of stormwater management principles, how new technologies and systems work, the benefits of moving into the future with smart technologies, and how new ideas and systems can produce cleaner, healthier watersheds.
Wednesday, July 14, 2021, 11:00am to 12:00 pm Eastern
Alexander Schmidt, PE, and Elizabeth Chandler, PE
RCEP Activity ID 168649-130866
The use of infiltration testing best management practices for stormwater management is required or suggested by nearly every stormwater regulatory authority. This webinar will provide an overview of the infiltration testing process, identify common errors in the testing process and the data obtained from testing, and help stormwater engineers and designers evaluate if information they receive from the geotechnical specialist is accurate and applicable to their designs.
Thursday, April 22, 2021, 10:00am to 11:00 am Eastern
Andrew Jakubowitch, PE, MBA, and Kerry Tyson, PE
RCEP Activity ID 166910-129513
The presentation “21st Century Solutions to Failing Septic System Infrastructure” will explore the basics of septic systems, why they fail, the differences in types of septic systems, and the benefits of updating aging or over-stressed infrastructure. As we approach these concepts, we will also present a case study on an innovative approach used at Potters Mills, Pennsylvania, which faced a 72% failure rate and no direct connection to a municipal sewer system.
Monday, April 19, 2021, 10:30am to 11:30 am Eastern
Andrew Jakubowitch, PE, MBA, and Kerry Tyson, PE
This webinar is presented as part of the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS) educational calendar. Please reach out to PSATS directly to register for this event.
January 7, 2021, 10:00am to 11:00am
Chuck Thompson, PE
RCEP Activity ID 166137-129206
The presentation “How to Scale Municipal Wastewater Treatment while Protecting Key Environmental Resources” will explore the causes for increasing capacity in municipal wastewater treatment, options available to increase the load of the facility, risks involved in upgrading a municipal plant, and environmental factors taken into account in the design and construction. The presenter will relate these topics to a case study of the Bellefonte Borough Authority wastewater treatment plant in central Pennsylvania as a real world example.
December 17, 2020, 10:00am to 11:00 am Eastern
Andrew Jakubowitch, PE, MBA, and Kerry Tyson, PE
RCEP Activity ID 166140-129207
The presentation “21st Century Solutions to Failing Septic System Infrastructure” will explore the basics of septic systems, why they fail, the differences in types of septic systems, and the benefits of updating aging or over-stressed infrastructure. As we approach these concepts, we will also present a case study on an innovative approach used at Potters Mills, Pennsylvania, which faced a 72% failure rate and no direct connection to a municipal sewer system.
"With [Century's] careful consideration for our needs as a client and knowledge of the project environment, we were able to work collaboratively throughout the process."
Chris Fallon
CFO, St. Paul's School