Potters Mills Sewage Treatment System

Potters Mills Sewage Treatment System

The Village of Potters Mills is in south central Potter Township, Centre County, PA.  Located approximately 3.5 miles from the closest municipal sewer system, the community and surrounding area had a long history of malfunctioning on-lot septic systems. In the service area, there are 46 properties with a total of 43 on-lot treatment systems (in-ground and small flow surface discharge treatment). The Local Sewage Enforcement Officer (SEO) determined that much of the on-lot system could not be repaired due to small lot sizes, soil conditions, or high seasonal groundwater tablesNittany Engineering, a Division of Century Engineering, Inc., worked closely with Potter Township in order to provide a long-term solution to the area’s sewage disposal needs.

Services Provided

The Century team accomplished the following: 

  • Updated the area’s Act 537 Sewage Plan for the installation of a community system sewage treatment system
  • Assisted in obtaining public funding for the project
  • Obtained a NPDES Permit for the discharge of the treated effluent to a local stream
  • Permitted and designed a sewage collection and treatment system based on the ORENCO STEP tank and AX-MAX treatment systems
  • Prepared construction plans and bid documents
  • Administered the public bidding process
  • Provided construction oversight, inspection, system start-up, and operations assistance 

Future Capabilities

The system consists of forty-six STEP (septic tank effluent pumped) tanks tied into a pressure sewer system that feeds a centralized ORENCO treatment plant consisting of one AX-MAX 300-42 and one AX-MAX 275-42 units. Disinfection via an ultraviolet system and flow metering is provided before the treated effluent is pumped to a local stream. The initial system is designed to handle an average flow of 14,000 gpd but is capable of being expanded up to an average daily flow of 34,000 gpd.

Long Term Solutions

The system is now fully operational and provides a long-term solution to sewage disposal needs for the citizens of the Potters Mills area. The system also provides improvement to the local environment, particularly the groundwater, as fortythree malfunctioning on-lot treatment systems will be decommissioned. 

Project Facts

Potter Township


Potter Township, PA

Project Facts

Potter Township


Potter Township, PA


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