I-95 Corridor Improvements

I-95 Corridor Improvements

PennDOT has embarked on a long-term initiative to improve the Interstate 95 (I-95) corridor in Pennsylvania, re-imagining and rebuilding the 51-mile stretch of the Florida-to-Maine roadway. Interstate Acquisition Services, a division of Century Engineering, Inc., was awarded separate contracts by PennDOT to provide right-of-way acquisition services for several of these I-95 projects, identified as sections AF2, AF3, BRI, BS2, BS1, CPR, GR1, and GR6.

Widespread Improvements

You would be hard-pressed to find an East Coast motorist who has never found themselves sitting in traffic at I-95. The primary goal of this project is to allow the Interstate to more safely and conveniently serve the travelers that rely on it.  Results of the widening project will include improved intersections, replaced aging structures, and other necessary improvements.

An Ongoing Effort

Design activities are not yet finalized for many of the sections. In total, several hundred parcels are expected to be impacted with numerous displacements occurring.  Our right-of-way agents are currently acquiring required areas from 46 parcels that are expected to result in 12 residential and 10 commercial relocations.

Fair Acquisitions

Century is responsible for appraisal planning, acquisition/negotiation, relocation advisory assistance and property management services in compliance with the Uniform Relocation and Real Property Acquisition Act, which ensures that those whose property has been acquired will be compensated fairly.

Project Facts

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT)


Statewide, PA

Project Facts

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT)


Statewide, PA


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